Birla High School (Junior Section)

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The students of Class IVC presented through their Special Assembly, an insight into the history of our wonderful Birla High School. It was not only a tribute but also an educational experience for the students.

Founder's Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm and reverence, organized by the Class IVC students, who demonstrated commendable efforts in commemorating the vision and contributions of our school's founder, Late Shri Lakshmi Niwas Birla. The event was a mix of aesthetic dance performances along with soulful singing from the entire class, speeches illuminating the history of school and our School Vision and Mission, and a very short interactive session, on the ‘Name Change’ of our school, which collectively paid tribute to the legacy of the institution.

The assembly began with a soulful rendition of our prayer song “Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya” along with a spiritual dance, that set the tone for the event, invoking a sense of pride and belonging among the students and teachers.This was followed by a brief presentation from the boys along with a slide show, on the life and achievements of the school's founder. It highlighted key milestones, eminent members from our School Alumni and their contributions towards society and the vision of our Founding Father, Late Shri L.N Birla, that led to the establishment of Birla High School in 1941.

The assembly concluded with a motivating speech from our respected Headmistress, Ma’am Singh and the entire gathering sang the School Song, entitled ‘With hearts full of joy…….’, instilling a sense of pride and motivation to uphold the values of the institution. Through this assembly the students gained a deeper understanding of the school's history and our founder's significant role in the field of education. They learnt to appreciate the importance of collective effort and shared responsibility. Celebrating our Founder's Day reinforced the importance of respecting and honouring our traditions and legacies and to value the contributions of past generations along with the significance of preserving our cultural heritage.




On a delightful morning on the 2nd of July 2024, the students of class VA conducted a special assembly titled "The Journey to a Happy Heart," focusing on emotional well-being. The assembly began with narrators Abhiraj Chawla and Anant Zutshi engaging the audience with questions about their emotions, setting the stage for a magical journey. The highlight was the entrance of characters representing different emotions: Joy, Sadness, Anger, Calmness, Surprise, Fear, and Love, each accompanied by boys in supporting roles and having creative props. Joy spread happiness with balloons, Sadness walked solemnly under an umbrella, Anger ignited passion with a torch, Calmness offered peace with green scarves, Surprise delighted with confetti, Fear created spooky effects with flashlights, and Love shared heart stickers.

The narrators beautifully explained each emotion's significance, and the students' heartwarming song and dance performance emphasised the importance of embracing all emotions to create a harmonious and empathetic world. Additionally, each child and teacher in the audience received a heart-shaped card with a motivating message to uplift their emotional well-being. The assembly concluded with a powerful message about the beauty of the emotional spectrum and unity.



SPECIAL ACTIVITY BY Upper Nuresry: Rath Yatra:

The Rath Yatra, or Chariot Festival, is a centuries-old celebration held at the Jagannath Temple in Puri, India. This festival honours the annual journey of Lord Jagannath, along with
his siblings Goddess Subhadra and Lord Balbhadra, to visit their aunt at the Gundicha Temple. Celebrated with grand rituals, Rath Yatra fosters cultural integration and
The Upper Nursery students at Birla High School celebrated Rath Yatra with great enthusiasm. The children joyfully chanted “Jai Jagannath” and pulled their own decorated
chariots. Additionally, they were engaged in a craft activity, creating colourful chariots using different shapes.





On 5th July, 2024, the students of the Upper Kindergarten at Birla High School celebrated the auspicious Rath Yatra festival with great enthusiasm. 

The day started by making children familiar with the interesting facts about the Rath Yatra celebration celebrated in different parts of India particularly in Odisha (Puri) and in our own city Kolkata. They learned that it is a festival devoted to Lord Jagannath, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.  The students were fascinated to know that the festival involves a grand chariot procession where the deities of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, and Devi Subhadra are taken out in their respective chariots. Students were taken on a virtual tour of the Rath Yatra festivities in Puri, Odisha. They were amazed to see the massive chariots, the vibrant decorations, and the sea of devotees pulling the chariots with great fervor. They were also shown a short video of ‘Rath Mela’ organised in Kolkata every year followed by a short quiz. Students were thrilled to design the chariot of Lord Jagannath ‘Nandighosh’ using match stick and different colour paper cut-outs of simple shapes and decorated it using Gond printing technique. The activity enhanced their fine motor skills and creativity. Children also saw pictures and read words related to the festival in their Reading class which enhanced their vocabulary. This was followed by watching a short video on Iskcon Rath Yatra Celebration held near school every year. Through the activities children also understood that India is a country of diverse culture.

The Rath Yatra celebration at Birla High School was a great success, as it not only educated the students about this important festival but also allowed them to actively participate and engage with the traditions. By the end of the activity, the classroom was filled with a vibrant display of colourful and unique Rath Yatra chariots, each one showcasing the creativity and imagination of the young learners. The event instilled a sense of cultural awareness and appreciation among the students.


The young LKG students celebrated Rath Yatra in their special way by becoming aware of interesting facts behind the celebration of the chariot festival in Odisha and worldwide and the various rituals observed during the special occasion. Our young learners too were engaged in a hands-on activity where they had to decorate the ‘Rath’ of Lord Balaram, Goddess Subhadra and Lord Jagannath using paper chipping and thumb impression techniques.



​​​​SPECIAL ACRIVITY BY UKG-International Plastic Bag Free Day:

International Plastic Bag Free Day, celebrated on July 3rd, is a global initiative aimed at eliminating the use of single-use plastic bags. This day raises awareness about the environmental impact of plastic bags and encourages the adoption of more sustainable alternatives.

The boys of Upper Kindergarten participated in various activities to observe this day, including sorting waste, forming a Plastic Free Squad, and making paper bags. Children were made familiar with the day. Children were taught to differentiate between recyclable and non-recyclable items. They sorted out various items (plastic bags, paper, metal cans, cloth, etc.) into plastic and non-plastic baskets. They were then made to understand which items are harmful to the environment. Students learned the importance of reducing waste and the role of recycling in protecting the environment. A group of enthusiastic students was selected to form the Plastic Free Squad. The squad members wore gloves and carried a bin to collect the plastics brought by children to school. They conducted short skits and presentations in class to spread awareness about the harmful effects of plastic bags. The squad also led the initiative to replace plastic items in the classroom with sustainable alternatives like eco-friendly bags. Through the activity, students felt a sense of responsibility and leadership. The initiative fostered teamwork and communication skills among the children. After the activity, children were engaged in making eco-friendly paper bags. The teacher demonstrated how to make paper bags using old newspapers and decorating it using different craft techniques like- bottle cap printing, thumb printing. The activity instilled a sense of accomplishment and pride in creating something useful and eco-friendly. They went around in school and distributed the paper bags to raise awareness about reducing plastic usage.

The International Plastic Bag Free Day activities for the Upper Kindergarten were a resounding success. The children actively engaged in sorting waste, participating in the Plastic Free Squad, and crafting their own paper bags. These activities not only educated them about the environmental impact of plastic but also instilled lifelong values of sustainability and responsibility.    



On the 3rd of July, the Lower KG students organized a vibrant and engaging summer assembly known as Summer Fiesta. The event commenced with an interesting introduction by the boys, setting a lively tone for the activities to follow. The highlight of the assembly was a creative fashion show where the boys showcased their costumes inspired by summer fruits and accessories. The young participants were dressed in sunglasses, swimming gear, lychee, lemonade, and watermelon. Each boy confidently took the stage, displaying their costume and delivering a brief, informative speech about their chosen summer symbol. Following the fashion show, the children performed a delightful summer dance. Their enthusiasm and joy were evident as they thoroughly enjoyed the performance, bringing a festive and cheerful atmosphere to the assembly. 

The assembly helped the children build confidence: The event provided an excellent platform for them to enhance their public speaking skills and build trust by performing in front of an audience.It enhanced their creativity and expression: The fashion show encouraged creativity, allowing the children to express themselves through their costumes and short speeches. The assembly helped the children learn about different summer fruits and accessories, enhancing their knowledge of the season in a fun and engaging way. 

Overall, the LKG summer assembly was a great success, leaving both the participants and the audience with joyful memories and valuable learning experiences.



SPECIAL ACTIVITY BY UKG-World Environment Day:

World Environment Day is a global event that encourages people to reflect on the significance of our planet and take action to protect it. On this day, individuals worldwide come together to raise awareness about environmental issues and explore ways to care for Earth. During a special storytelling session, children learned about animals, plants, and ecosystems that make up our beautiful planet. The teacher shared a tailored story called “A Gift from Nature,” emphasizing how each of us can contribute to environmental conservation by picking up litter, planting trees, and conserving water. In their Number Work class, children reinforced the concept of big and small numbers by drawing potted plants and flowers. Additionally, they revised their “i” sound family words through an engaging activity involving word cards pasted on leaf cutouts. The craft session was equally enjoyable, where children made paper bags and experimented with balloon printing. These paper bags served as symbols of promoting environmental awareness, encouraging everyone to say “no to plastic.” The children created an Environmental Pledge Poster, adding their thumbprints as a commitment to care for the Earth. They pledged to reduce waste, protect nature, and adopt simple practices in their daily lives—such as avoiding littering and plastic bags. Through these activities, children learned that even small actions matter when it comes to safeguarding our environment. Whether it’s turning off lights, using both sides of paper, or picking up trash, everyone can contribute to keeping the Earth clean and green. Let’s be good friends to the Earth, not just today, but every day! 



World Yoga Day- 21.6.24-celebrated by students of Class 2.integration of Multilingualism- NCF- A YouTube video was shown to demonstrate various yoga poses named after animals in different languages (Hindi and English - Eg-Camel pose: Ushtrasana) Children enjoyed doing the asanas which plays an important role in relaxing the mind and body and boosting their immune system.



A healthy body and a healthy mind, together make life worthwhile. The students of Class 1 set out to prove this to be true with various activities to celebrate World Yoga Day. The day started
with a few breathing exercises to be calm and mindful. In the Math Lab period, our young yogis played a game called Yogi Says, in which the teacher said 'Yogi Says, close your eyes. Yogi
Says do inhale, hold, exhale' etc. Through this exercise students were explained how to calm ourselves through yoga. This was followed by working around the date by using the number 21
(regrouping, number name and abacus) in their exercise book and drawing the yoga day symbol. In EVS, students were made aware of the special day through an interesting presentation on
Google slides: They were shown a few yoga poses (Eg: Sun pose, Chair pose, Lion pose etc) and asking them if they are associated with living or non living things, eg.- Sun pose -Sun- non-living, 

Tree pose - Tree- Living, Star pose- non-living). All the activities encouraged the students to not only take care of their bodies, but also to keep their minds fit and healthy. It made them proud of this beautiful mindfulness practice that originated in India.




On 21st June, The children of Upper Nursery celebrated International Yoga Day through vibrant and fun-filled activities. The celebrations commenced with an
introductory discussion about the magic of yoga and its many benefits, captivating the little ones with animal-inspired poses like the stretchy Cat Pose,
the strong Cobra Pose, the fluttering Butterfly Pose, and the roaring Lion Pose. Guided by their enthusiastic teachers, the children gracefully mimicked these
animals, turning the classroom into a mini safari of movement and laughter. The excitement continued as they turned to their craft books, creating
adorable yoga pose representations using colourful ice cream sticks. This hands-on project sparked their creativity and gave them a delightful keepsake
of their yoga adventure. The day was a delightful blend of education, creativity, and physical fun, leaving the children with big smiles and a
newfound appreciation for fitness and well-being, perfectly aligning with SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being.



Students of Class II celebrated World Music Day (21st June ) in their ABL class in a unique way.They created music using household things like steel bowls ,a fork and a spoon. They were ably guided in this activity by Mr. S,Mukherjee our music teacher. Children excitedly produced melodious tunes  accompanied by a few classmates playing the flute,mouth organ etc.Music not only plays a vital role in the overall holistic development of students but also creates awareness about it among them especially it significance.




The students of Class 1 turned into young musicians on the occasion of World Music Day. In the conversation class, the students listened to a video and sang the song- Listen to my band. They were shown and made aware of the names of the wind instruments in different languages. E.g.- Shehnai in North India; Nadaswaram in South India; Pepa in Assam. One percussion instrument in different languages - Tabla in West Bengal; Mridangam in Tamil Nadu; Pakhawaj in Odisha. In the English period, the boys played a few musical instruments like bell, drum, bass, etc virtually using AI. They then found out the plural form of the instruments that were played.

In Mathematics, students took out an eraser, plastic ruler and a few pencils. They tapped it on the desk to check what kind of sound it produces. They tapped the objects together by following a beat to produce music. This was followed by arranging the objects in ascending order (eraser, pencil, ruler) to understand the concept of ascending order.

Through such musical activities, the lessons became exhilarating and fun for all the students. It became an interesting instrument to help the tiny tots recall their lessons effectively.




The young learners of Lower Kindergarteners celebrated World Music Day on 21st June by listening to relaxing and tuneful music played by different musical instruments such as piano, flute violin, etc followed by engaging themselves in a fun-filled puzzle activity to create various musical instruments with the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together and naming them accordingly. In the IT class, they enjoyed colouring different musical instruments according to their choice with the help of a mouse. These activities enabled each learn.




World Music Day, also known as “Fête de la Musique,” is a global celebration held on June 21st each year. On this special day, people worldwide come together to enjoy the magic of music.

The festivities began with a mindful listening session. Children closed their eyes and identified soft musical instruments (flute, piano, violin) or natural sounds (birds chirping, air breeze, raindrops). An interactive session followed, where concrete musical instrument objects were displayed. The children expressed their creativity by drawing pictures inspired by these instruments using crayons and colored pencils.

Next, they shared their favorite musical instruments and listened to songs related to them. The day also included number revision through music-related activities. Finally, the children sang songs with Ma’am Nandita Chakraborty in their Indian Music class, enhancing their creativity and self-confidence.World Music Day not only celebrated the diversity and beauty of music but also fostered cultural awareness and creativity among our young learners. 


​​SPECIAL ACTIVITY BY UKG-International Olympic Day:

International Olympic Day is a global celebration that honors the spirit of the Olympics, promoting sports, fitness, and unity. Recently, the Upper Kindergarten students celebrated this day with engaging activities. They learned about Olympic history, participating countries, sports, and the prestige of winning medals. Mini Olympic games, including novelty races, long jumps, running races, mini hurdles, and balancing, emphasized fun and camaraderie. The children also created their own Olympic rings using fingertip printing, understanding the iconic symbol and its colors representing continents. The celebration left a lasting impression, inspiring young athletes to pursue their dreams with passion and determination. 


SPECIAL ACTIVITY BY LKG-International Yoga Day:

The young ‘Yogis’ of Lower Kindergarteners celebrated World Yoga Day on 21st June in their special way by performing age-appropriate simple asanas and meditation for good health and well-being, aligning with Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being. The young learners were also engaged in a fun-filled activity using play dough for making the word ‘YOGA’ with the letters A, G, O, Y and stick figures of the various poses with standing and slanting lines. Such activities collectively fostered a sense of mindfulness, physical fitness and an appreciation for holistic health among the students.


SPECIAL ACTIVITY BY UKG-International Yoga Day:

On June 21st, the students were introduced to the basics of yoga in an engaging manner. Ms. Jyoti Agarwal led an outdoor session, demonstrating simple yoga poses like the Butterfly, Triangle, Lion, Warrior, and Tree poses. She explained that yoga involves mindful breathing in various postures to reduce stress and enhance focus. The children also explored hand mudras, challenges, and aerobic dance. To make the concept accessible, the teacher used straightforward language and visuals. In a fascinating “Yoga Adventure,” the students virtually traveled to different places using Google Earth, performing yoga poses related to each location (e.g., Tree pose in the jungle, Cow pose in the barn, Boat pose by the water). They also participated in the “Breathe in Peace, Breathe out Love” activity, emphasizing deep breathing for relaxation and concentration. A creative craft activity involved making the letter ‘Y’ from ice cream sticks, symbolizing Yoga. The day left the children excited about practicing yoga regularly, fostering both enjoyment and a sense of calmness.



The young readers of Kindergarten celebrated National Reading Day by playing a game of hopscotch with 3 letters ‘at’ sound rhyming words written on the grid. They recognized and read the word shown by the teacher and jumped to the correct word written on the grid. This activity was designed based on Foundational Literacy, which enhanced their ability to read joyfully, thus emphasizing the playway method of learning by doing. 




Every year on the third Sunday in June, Father's Day is celebrated globally to honour our fathers or any fatherly figure of the family, such as grandfather, uncle, or brother. This year too, Father's Day is being observed on June 16th, 2024. On 18th June 2024, at Birla High School, the young toddlers of Lower Kindergarten uniquely celebrated this occasion by engaging themselves in various fun-filled hands-on activities such as decorating a badge in their customized book for their ‘Superhero’ (father or grandpa or uncle or brother) using earbud printing technique with a special message “My Superhero… I love you” as well as decorated a shirt for their superhero using bottle cap printing technique and pasted a colourful tie using paper folding technique.




Father’s Day is a special occasion to honor fathers and father figures, recognizing their vital role in children’s lives. The Upper Kindergarteners at Birla High School celebrated this day with joyful activities. They enjoyed a fun-filled treasure hunt game, where the teacher provided clues, encouraging the boys to guess and name objects. An interactive session and a crossword puzzle helped familiarize the children with Father’s Day-related words and activities they often share with their dads. Additionally, the children designed bookmarks for their fathers, expressing their love in a unique and personal way. Overall, the celebration fostered love, gratitude, and community.


The Upper Kindergarten celebrated International Picnic Day with engaging activities, including a storytelling session, sensory exploration, and a creative craft project.The day began with a welcome session explaining the significance of the event. Children then listened to the story 'It's Picnic Time,' which captivated their attention and reinforced their learning of 3-letter sound words.In a sensory activity, children explored a picnic basket, touching and naming the objects inside. They later made their own mini picnic plates, drawing and decorating their favorite fruits using thumb impressions.The International Picnic Day celebration was enjoyed by all, helping children understand the concept of picnics and learn about the joy of sharing, teamwork, and being outdoors.



National Reading Day was observed in Birla High School on 19th June to create reading awareness among the students and to remind them about the value of reading books even in an
age dominated by the internet. It was reiterated that reading not only enhances one’s knowledge but helps in improving communication skills and inculcates holistic
development. Twelve passionate readers from class V visited classes I, II & III for an interesting and interactive storytelling session. They narrated classics, fables and
fairy tales using storyboard, stuffed toys and puppets to  bring the characters to life. Lower primary students were thrilled and excited to hear the stories delivered to them
by their seniors who used voice modulation, actions and gestures. This activity resulted in igniting the love for reading in the young minds and hearts of the students.




National Reading Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm by the students of Class II whereby they read story books and participated in book review sessions. A few CLass V children narrated stories to them using suitable props. This exercise strengthened reading habits of students and enabled them to speak English in a better way which improved their self-confidence and enhanced their vocabulary.



The Upper Kindergarten celebrated National Reading Day, focusing on promoting literacy and fostering a love of reading among young children. The event featured engaging activities designed to enhance reading skills and encourage lifelong learning.Children were narrated a teacher-tailored story called "Three Cats Under a Tree" in their English class. They then played a sentence card game, arranging word cards to form correct sentences, which they read aloud with their teachers and peers.In the Reading class, children read words and were encouraged to make sentences related to the story. The interactive activities and engaging storytelling session effectively captured the children's attention and imagination, strengthening their foundational reading skills.Overall, the National Reading Day celebration successfully achieved its objectives of promoting literacy and fostering a love for reading. The event provided a meaningful and memorable experience that will inspire children to continue their reading journey.



Every year on the second Sunday in May, Mother's Day is celebrated globally to honor our mothers or any motherly figure of the family, such as grandmother, aunt, or sister. This year too, Mother's Day is being observed on May 12th, 2024. On 6th May 2024, at Birla High School, the young toddlers of Lower Kindergarten uniquely celebrated this occasion by engaging themselves in a hands-on activity of making a beautiful handmade greetings card and envelope by using the handprint technique to form the word 'MOM' and making their mothers or any motherly figure of the family feel special and being loved by their dear ones.



The Upper Kindergarten celebrated Mother's Day with a series of engaging activities. The celebration began with a treasure hunt game, where children followed clues to find hidden treasures while learning about the importance of maternal love. A storytelling session featured the enchanting tale "My Wonder Woman," emphasizing the bond between mothers and children. Children also participated in a play dough activity, creating hearts for their "Wonder Women" to show respect and appreciation. The event concluded with a drawing activity where children expressed their love through art, making hearts with wings and crowns. Sentences related to "My Mom's Pet" were read in English class, further reinforcing the theme. The celebration was filled with joy, laughter, and heartfelt moments, helping children gain a deeper understanding of the love and sacrifices mothers make every day.



Summer is the hottest season of the year. With the onset of Summer, it becomes essential to refresh and replenish our body with some cool beverages to beat the heat. The Kindergarteners of Birla High School geared up to make it their mission to show us how we can chill and relax during summer through a lemonade-making activity on 7th May 2024.The teachers and students enjoyed this splendid activity with great zest. The students had a great time preparing the lemonade by squeezing the lemon, sprinkling the sugar and salt, and stirring the mixture with their tiny fingers. One could sense the excitement and their sparkling eyes were worth watching as the delicious lemonade tickled their taste buds on sipping it up. The activity gave our young learners a hands-on experience of making a glass of lemonade and they relished every bit of it. The activity added to the sensory learning of our little ones and fascinatingly reinforced their fine motor skills. It was a fun learning experience for our Kindergarteners, which they will cherish forever with a smile.



International Dance Day is a globally recognized occasion dedicated to the art of dance, celebrated on April 29th each year. It's a day to appreciate the diverse forms of dance and their significance in various cultures worldwide. The celebration of International Dance Day aimed to introduce kindergarten students to the joy of dance, encourage physical activity, and promote cultural appreciation through movement.The teacher introduced the concept of International Dance Day to the children. Different dance forms (Bharatnatyam, Kathak, Ballet Dance, Bhangra, Contemporary, etc.,) including folk dance of West Bengal (Chhau dance) was introduced and discussed with children through Google Slides. They discussed the significance of dance as a form of expression and its importance in different cultures around the world. Following this, students participated in an interactive dance session led by the Dance teacher. The session included simple dance routines tailored to the age and abilities of kindergarten students. Various music genres were explored, allowing children to experience different rhythms and styles. They learnt to respect and embrace all forms of dance of their as well as of other countries. Through dance, children not only enjoyed physical exercise but also learned about different cultures and developed a deeper appreciation for the art of movement. The activities fostered creativity, teamwork, and self-expression, leaving a lasting impression on the young minds of our kindergarten students.



Community helpers are the superheroes of our neighborhoods, working tirelessly to ensure our communities are safe, healthy, and happy. Introducing kindergarten children to these professions expanded their knowledge and fostered appreciation and respect for those who contribute to our community's well-being. The upper kindergarteners explored various community helpers through role-play scenarios, guessing games, and badge-making crafts. They learned about the tools used by community helpers through interactive guessing games and show-and-tell sessions, which promoted empathy and understanding. Additionally, they engaged in drawing activities and made heart-shaped "THANK YOU" badges for their community heroes, further enhancing their creativity and appreciation. These activities not only provided fun but also instilled values of respect, gratitude, and empathy in the children. Through hands-on learning experiences, the children developed a deeper understanding and admiration for the essential roles that community helpers play in our lives, recognizing them as true heroes.



In celebration of May Day, the upper nursery class delighted in sharing their creative endeavors with the schoo's security guards, staff and helpers. Each child
proudly presented a handcrafted photo frame, meticulously made in school using the charming finger print technique. With smiles as bright as their artwork,
two boys from each section eagerly offered their heartfelt tokens of appreciation, spreading joy and gratitude throughout the school community.



The Upper Kindergarten class embarked on an exciting virtual tour to Antarctica to celebrate World Penguin Day. This immersive experience provided the children with a unique opportunity to learn about penguins, their habitat, and the impact of climate change on these beloved creatures.

SPECIAL ACTIVITY BY UKG-WORLD VETERINARY DAY: The celebration of World Veterinary Day through storytelling, role play sessions and craft proved to be a resounding success, igniting young minds with a passion for animal welfare and fostering empathy, creativity, and appreciation for the vital role veterinarians play in our world. As we reflect on this joyous occasion, let us continue to honor and support the tireless efforts of veterinarians in preserving the health and happiness of all creatures, great and small.





The students of Class II C organized a special assembly on Earth Day titled ‘Respect Nature and Save the Future’ on 19 th April 2024 to raise awareness about environmental conservation and sustainability. The skit was performed by a talented group of students who demonstrated the consequences of human actions on the environment and the importance of nurturing and preserving the Earth.




The young learners of Lower KG sharpened their creative, imaginative, and cognitive skills by drawing and colouring a Smiley Green Earth followed by decoding a secret message "Plant Trees, Save Mother Earth" by recognizing and writing the first letter of the given pictures. Other groups made a Happy Earth using play dough, paper chipping, and sponge dabbing techniques. Such activities nurture the children to become socially conscious responsible citizens in taking care of the planet by making every day Earth Day thus everybody needs to do their share as there is a saying small steps lead to big changes in achieving the desired goal.



Upper KG celebrated Earth Day with a series of engaging activities aimed at fostering environmental awareness and instilling a sense of responsibility towards our planet among young children. Earth Day is a global event dedicated to promoting environmental protection and sustainability.



Class I activitiesThe students of Class 1 became eco-warriors to protect Mother Earth on Earth Day by participating in various activities as shown below:



World Art day was celebrated by the Upper Primary students with their creativity and wonder hands. Here are a few glimpses of their wonderful work:


CLASS UPPER KG:The children of Upper Kindergarten celebrated this day by thinking and drawing pictures using different shapes in their Art exercise book. They drew a gift box or pencil box using a rectangle, birthday cap or mountain using a triangle, umbrella or rainbow using a semi-circle, etc.


LOWER KG:World Art Day was celebrated among the young toddlers of Lower Kindergarten uniquely by drawing and colouring simple pictures using letters such as (C- car, L- lamp, O- orange, T-tree) and numbers like (2-duck, 3- butterfly, 5- apple, 7- ice cream) for fostering creativity and developing sensory skills which play an important role in instilling aesthetic sense from a tender age.




The students of Class VD encapsulated the significance of these two celebrations and their observed traditions along with similar celebrations in many parts of India.

The students highlighted that Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar holds a profound place in Indian history as the principal architect of the Indian Constitution and the inaugural Law Minister of Independent India. His visionary leadership paved the way for India's transformation into a republic.

Simultaneously, the students depicted how Poila Baisakh marks the commencement of the Bengali New Year, a joyous occasion celebrated with fervor and enthusiasm. The day witnesses a vibrant display of cultural rituals. Even shopkeepers, traders, and businessmen adorn their establishments with fresh paint and perform Ganesh and Lakshmi Puja to invoke prosperity and auspiciousness in their endeavors.

India's cultural diversity is exemplified in the plethora of regional New Year celebrations. The pupils dressed up in the costumes of various parts of India to wish everyone Happy Vishu, Happy Jur Sheetal, Happy Vaisakhi, Puthandu Vazthukal, Bohag Bihur Subhechha and Shubh Nabo Borsho. The timing of these New Year festivities often coincides with the harvesting of crops in April, symbolizing gratitude for a bountiful harvest and prayers for continued prosperity in the coming year. Despite the diversity in languages, attire, and customs, the underlying theme of unity prevails.



