Birla High School (Junior Section)

Permanently affiliated to CBSE: Affiliation number : 2430001

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TOPIC: Blooming Buddies

ACTIVITY 1: Cool Crusaders - Students shared their experience about the summer vacation and the activities that they have enjoyed to beat the heat. They  shared their experience of visiting a market to shop for summer vegetables and fruits. This was followed by an activity where students shared their learning with their peers and school heads using relevant pictures and captions on placards.This was followed by a non-flame cooking activity where students prepared and enjoyed a glass of cool lemonade. A rhyme related to the importance of plants during the summer season was done during the music class with actions and voice modulation. Students of the partner school will also share details about their experiences during the summer season in their state/country in the following month. 

Gimpses of the activity: click here
